Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh, the things that can happen in just one week!

It is amazing how things can change in just a few short days. School got off to a good start, Preston liked all of his classes but one and thought this year would be pretty good. He was loving his new freedom that four wheels can provide. One more look at his preferred means of transportation.
But after just four days of driving to school, things drastically changed. Due to some very poor decision making on his part, his new means of transportation just has two wheels.
Needless to say, someone is having to pay the consequences of hitting a parked car in the Mountain View parking lot and not having the good sense to stop, assess the damage and leave personal information. He was leaving one hour before school got out so there wasn't even the excuse that he was in heavy traffic.

While the damage was minimal to the other car and to our truck, Garth and I have deemed Preston not ready to drive because of inadequate decision making ability. Garth has declared that Preston won't drive for a year but I'll bet that will change. We are reassured about our decision to have teenagers drive old cars; teen drivers are just accidents waiting to happen. This poor old truck has really been through it, this is the second time this side of the front end has been hit and the other side has been hit once. Although this is the least amount of damage either side has ever incurred.
We didn't think anyone could beat Lonica's record of hitting a parked car after just having her license for just one week but her younger brother managed to do so.

The other car needs to have a bumper replaced and as soon as Preston got home yesterday, he was on the phone looking for work to pay for a new bumper. We already paid $700 for the rhino he wrecked last April, so this one is all on him. If you know anyone who needs some work done, I know a teenager who can bike over and help them out.


Lonica said...

You didn't tell me he hit someone else. I thought it was a construction sign or something. If I have work for Preston, will he bike on over here? Sorry, buddy, that stink about not driving. Although, as I told mom, that truck was just waiting for an accident. It's nearly impossible to actually drive--especially when you're just learning how!

P.S. I don't ever really update the book blog, so the link isn't there. I decided that writing summaries of books is just a bit boring; I'd rather write about something else.

Unknown said...

I disagree with you putting Peston down on blog every one sees. I think you should us these to let people know of good things happening and leave errors to private. We all make them.